Friday, December 11, 2009

What An Amazing Christmas Carol Movie And Party!!!

Thanks to all of the parents for all of their help to make this field trip/party a success!

Christmas Party

After much debate and discussion, it has been decided that we will exchange gifts with a limit of $5. Girls will exchange with girls; boys with boys. We hope that his doesn't hinder anyone. Also, we are miking a collection to the Almoner Fund here at St. Jacobi which gives needed items and money to those in need in our own congregation. Money can be sent anytime next week.

As far as the party goes, we will have a gift opening with games and food. If the following groups could bring something in their categories, that would be great!

Baumann, Bluhm, Brown, Eisenhauer, Evans, Friedel, Gawel, and Jahns - Bring something salty

Krause, Krutz, LeVack, Martinez, Nowak, Petterson, Passow, Plaski - Bring something sweet

Rauman, Roleder, Spaude, Till, Timm, VanGrinsven - Bring somthing to drink


Monday, December 7, 2009

Parents Signed Up For Christmas Carol Lunch Items

Turkey Breast (cooked and sliced with gravy)
(Jenny O boneless breasts come with gravy packet)

Red Potatoes:
Gawel-10 lbs.
Zenke-10 lbs.
Williams-5 or 10 lbs.

Christmas Pudding:
Van Grinsven

Non-alcoholic Champagne:
Swezey- 6 bottles (received)
Burke- 6 bottles (?)

Paper Plates:
Pettersen-60 (received)

Plastic Champagne Glasses:

Plastic Ware:
Smrz-30 sets
Till-30 sets

Apple Sauce:

Please have red potatoes, plates, glasses, plastic ware, and champagne to school by Weds.
I'll be putting the turkey in nescos Friday morning.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

English Test Chapter 14

7th Grade, you have an English test scheduled for Tuesday, December 8th. Work on those vocabulary words!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Christmas Carol Movie and Lunch

Our Christmas Carol movie date is fast approaching and I'd like to give you a few more details about the day.

First of all, I'd like to thank the parents that signed up to bring food and other items for our lunch!!! I'm asking that those who signed up for paper/plastic products, non-alcoholic champaign, and red potatoes would please bring their things to school already on Weds. of next week. The other parents who will be providing turkey and gravy, please bring your turkey on Friday morning. I will be putting it all in a nesco to heat while we are at the movie. I will post the items that each person signed up for on the blog by this coming Friday.

Chaperones should be at school no later than 8:45 a.m. We plan to leave shortly after 9:00 a.m. I will provide maps and have a list of passengers for each driver. We will arrive at the theater in time to buy concessions before the movie.

Parents-please send money along with your child if you would like them to be able to purchase popcorn... at the theater.

I'm really looking forward to this event, and appreciate all of the parents that are willing to help with driving and lunch!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

7th Grade English Test

An English test is scheduled for Monday, November 30th. Study those vocabulary words before you get to school!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Additional B1 Boys BB Practice

Coaches Witkowiak and Kremer are scheduling another practice on Sunday, Nov. 29 from 12:00-1:30. This is in place of the practice that would have been on Thursday but had to be cancelled because of PTO.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sign Up Sheet For Christmas Carol Lunch

I will be posting a sign up sheet in the lobby for all parents that are able to supply food and items for the Christmas Carol lunch.

We now have enough drivers for the trip to the movie, thanks!!!

Spaude (5)
Smrz (6)
Gawel (6)
Van Grinsven (6)
Williams (6)
Levack (4)
Zenke (4)
Wise (4)
Evans (6)
Chaperones, please give your $5.50 for the cost of the movie to
Rena Waack as soon as possible. Thanks!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wow!!! What A Forensics Team!

Congratulations to our very talented 7th grade forensics team! Wow, has God blessed this group with some awesome gifts!!!

Blue Ribbons: Riley Eisenhauer, Matt Rohleder

Bronze Medal: Shelby Krutz

Gold Medal: Leah Gawel, Caitlin Jahns, John Plaski, Jamie Spaude, Lief Van Grinsven

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

7th grade Parent/Teacher Conferences

Thanks to those who signed up for a time at conference. It is greatly appreciated! This is also a reminder to other to sign up because they start TODAY!

Mr. B

Friday, October 23, 2009

Forensic Competitors

The following students should have informed you that they will be competing in the forensics competition at Wisco on the morning of Nov. 7th.

7th grade
John P.
Leif V.
Leah G.
Matt R.
Jamie S.
Shelby K.
Riley E.
Caitlin J.

8th grade

Angela J.
Colin W.
Luke B.
Gracie s.
Phil W.
Chandler B.
Tony B.
Jon S.

Mrs. Johnson will be posting more information when she receives it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

More Drivers Needed For A Christmas Carol Trip

We will still need about 3 or 4 more drivers for our 7th and 8th grade's A Christmas Carol field trip on Friday, Dec.11. We will be leaving school around 9:00 A.M. and return to school a little after 12:00 P.M.

We need to transport a total of 46 students. The following parents have already offered to drive.

Smrz (6)
Gawel (6)
Spaude (5)
Van Grinsvens (6)

I would be able to transport 4 in my car.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are able to drive.

Thank you!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Field Trip Reminder

Please send your $3.50 for the Luther Prep trip ASAP. Also, please let me know if you are still interested in coming, please let me know. Trip will be on Friday, October 23.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Luther Prep Field Trip

Information is coming home about our first field trip to Luther Preparatory School in Watertown. This is one of our synod's prep schools for kids interested in the teaching and preaching ministry as well as a fine college prep school. We are taking a tour of the school and seeing the production Twelfth Night. Date: Friday, October 23 9:30-2:45. If interested in coming along, contact Mr. B.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Christmas Carol

Every other year the 7th and 8th grades read the Christmas classic A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Some of you may have already heard about a planned field trip to see the Disney movie A Christmas Carol with Jim Carey. I have made arrangements with the Majestic theater in Waukesha to attend a 10:00 a.m. showing on Dec. 11. We will need to leave St. Jacobi by 9:00 a.m. We will not be taking a bus for this trip to save on our costs. I will need drivers for both the 7th and 8th grades (46 students). The cost of a ticket for chaperons will be $5.50. I will also need some parents who are willing to help provide and serve a lite "Dickens Christmas Lunch" following the movie. Just as I did 2 years ago, we will try to recreate a Christmas as it was back in the late 1800s. I am putting out this information early so that you can make plans accordingly. I will give you more information as the date draws closer.

Thank you!
Peggy Prekop

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Attention Parents of Volleyball, Soccer, and Cross Country Participants!

We need your action shots, from all of our St.Jacobi fall sports, for our school newspaper! If you can help out, please contact Peggy Prekop. Thanks!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Math Course 2, enjoy your two days of no math class, Monday and Tuesday. Lesson 16 is due on Wednesday. For Lesson 17 on Wednesday, remember to bring your protractor!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Great Job on Graduation Reception!

What a nice reception you moms put on for the 8th grade!!! It looked awesome, and the food was great!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Festive Fun

The 7th and 8th grades had a great time signing each other's yearbooks and pigging out on tacos. Here are a few photos I was able to get...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chicago Fun!

Farewell Fiesta Sign Ups

I know it's hard to remember what you signed up for the fiesta, so here is a list of names and what you signed up for:

Set up- Swezey and Van Grinsven

Serving- Jim Prekop and Mark Lipinski

Soft shell- Swezey (3) and Torre

Hard shell- Willms(3) and Torre

Cheese- Evans (3) and Kruger

Lettuce- Van Grinsven (3)

Tomatoes- Dahlke, Osterman

Taco chips- Bivens, Dahlke

Sour cream- Van Grinsven

Salsa- Smrz

Refried beans- Rohleder

2-liter bottles of soda- Lipinski, Stuedemann, Smrz, Canarie, Boese

Plates and Cups- Stuedemann

Napkins- Stuedemann and Willms

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Farewell Fiesta

It's time to pull out your sombreros and get ready for our second annual Farewell Fiesta. Our Fiesta will be held on Friday May 22. I will supply all of the meat, but will need the rest of the fixings from the parents of the 7th and 8th grades. I will also be calling on parents to help with set up, serving, and clean up. There are a number of families that signed up in the beginning of the school year, but we will need to know the particulars. There will be a sign up sheet in the lobby by the end of the week.

The 7th and 8th grades will have plenty of time to sign each others yearbooks, and have a fun time together. Hope you can help!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Course 2 Math Students...only 8 more days!

Did you know that our third quarter ends on March 20...that leaves only 8 school days from today! Many of you are working very hard to complete your work on time using your God-given abilities to their fullest. Some of you are not! Now is the time to pour it on! Spend some extra time, and do a great job! Remember, you can always check your grades on PowerSchool, so there should be no surprises for anyone when those report cards get passed out!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Revised Research Paper Timetable

March 9-outline completed (15 pts)

March 13- 1st draft (20 pts)

March 20- 2cnd draft (20 pts)

March 27- final draft turned in (20 pts)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

7th Grade Art Research Paper

If your child hasn't already told you, they will be writing a research paper on a famous artist. I am allowing only one person to report on each artist. Your child must have his or her artist chosen by Monday Feb. 23.

Handouts will be sent home with your child this week explaining how to prepare a MLA style paper. They will also be given information on how to collect material to use in their paper, along with instructions on how to outline their paper.

Because they will be expected to include three sources, outside of Internet sources,it will require some trips to the library. They will be preparing 3 drafts of their paper, with their final draft due on March 20.

Any assistance that you can provide for your child would be much appreciated.

Thank you!
Peggy Prekop

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mrs. P and Chaperons Proud of 7th and 8th Grades

A group of moms wanted to pass along how happy they were with the 7th and 8th grades behavior on our field trip to see Witness! It really makes it a pleasure to chaperon. Way to go guys!

Mrs. P

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Witness field trip on Feb. 12th

Just a reminder that we will be attending the production of Witness on Feb. 12th. The students will be introduced to the storyline next week during literature class. Thank you in advance to the parents who will be chaperoning.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fundraiser for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society

The St. Jacobi student body had an informative presentation on the effects and treatment of leukemia. Pennies for Patients is the organization that is looking for donations to combat this disease. We are supporting this fundraiser in honor of our seventh grade student, Jayme Zenke, who is undergoing treatment for leukemia. Please send your pennies, dollars, or checks along with your child to support leukemia research.

Monday, January 5, 2009

February Field Trip

Just a reminder that we have a field trip on Feb. 12 to see Witness at First Stage.

The following parents signed up to chaperone:
Ebbs Stuedemann
Wendy Weber
Elizabeth Olson
Beth Van Grinsven
Bill Beauchene
Ruby Bivens

Please contact me with any questions.
Peggy Prekop