Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Party

After much debate and discussion, it has been decided that we will exchange gifts with a limit of $5. Girls will exchange with girls; boys with boys. We hope that his doesn't hinder anyone. Also, we are miking a collection to the Almoner Fund here at St. Jacobi which gives needed items and money to those in need in our own congregation. Money can be sent anytime next week.

As far as the party goes, we will have a gift opening with games and food. If the following groups could bring something in their categories, that would be great!

Baumann, Bluhm, Brown, Eisenhauer, Evans, Friedel, Gawel, and Jahns - Bring something salty

Krause, Krutz, LeVack, Martinez, Nowak, Petterson, Passow, Plaski - Bring something sweet

Rauman, Roleder, Spaude, Till, Timm, VanGrinsven - Bring somthing to drink


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