Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Camp Philip Info for You

Dear Parents,
There will be 9 students per adult chaperone in each cabin. The cabins have flush toilets and bunk beds. We plan on leaving at 8:30 and should arrive around 11:00. There will be a brief orientation before our sack lunch. After lunch we will prepare for the ropes course. The 5/6th grades will be doing the low ropes course and the 7/8th will be doing the high ropes. If they choose not to climb they will be there to encourage others and observe. We will also participate in outdoor games such as Pall Ball and disc golf. After dinner there will be geo caching and Bible study, campfire, sing a long and bedtime (10:00). In the morning after breakfast we will clean the cabins and have time for a game or two before packing up and returning to St. Jacobi. Camp Phillip asks that no electronics be brought along (except for a camera). The chaperones will have phones in case you need to reach us. I am asking chaperones to car pool if possible to carry bedding, luggage and our sack lunches. If you are willing to drive please let me know so I can help with the car pool list. If you have any other questions please contact me at school (425-2040) or home (427-6153)
Our goals for camp are to develop a stronger faith, encourage cooperation and teamwork and enjoy Gods creation. We look forward to a great trip.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

T-shirts and Garbage Cans

The students in grades 5-8 will be performing a musical/drama extravaganza. The costuming for most students will be rather simple. They will need to wear nice jeans, no holes or tears, as well as a T-shirt. The T-shirt should be the color of their Kickball Kickoff/Track & Field team color. The T-shirt should be a solid color with no printing on it. If your child needs one, JoAnne Fabrics has colored T-shirts for around $5. Students should have their T-shirts at school on Monday, April 11th.

Also, one of the acts needs 7 clean metal garbage cans. They will be hit with drumsticks. Are you willing to donate or loan us one(or more)?

Thank you for your help and cooperation,

Mr. Frisque & Mrs. Prekop

Friday, March 11, 2011

Singing In Church

The 7th & 8th grade students will be singing in church this Sunday, March 13th at 8:15. The students should meet in the balcony by 8:10. Please remember to set your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night.

Thank you,
Mr. Frisque