Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Forensics Results

The following students received ribbons or medals at the Wisco forensics festival last Saturday:

Colin W.- red ribbon
Andy R.- red ribbon
Angie J.-blue ribbon
Mariah M.-blue ribbon
Erik B.-blue ribbon
Morgan M.-silver medal
Philip W.-silver medal
Gracie S.-gold medal

Congratulations! It's great to see you using your talents for God's glory!! We'd also like to thank the judges who helped at Wisco: Mrs. Reinhard, Mrs. Goede, and Mrs. Waack

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Forensics festival

I am sending out a reminder to parents of students participating in the Wisco forensics festival. The date of the festival is Nov. 8 from 9:00am-12:00pm. The students should be in the lobby by 8:30am. I have not received room assignments yet, but will pass those on to your child as soon as possible. We are looking forward to a great festival, and are happy to have so many gifted students representing our school!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Forensic Finalists

The following seventh grade students have been chosen to represent St. Jacobi at the Wisco forensics festival, which will take place on November 8.

Humorous Declamation: Angela J., Gracie S., Philip W., and Mariah M.

Serious Declamation: Collin W.

Interpretive Prose: Morgan M., Erik B., and Andy R.


A big thank you goes out to our coaches Rene Reinhard, Sandy Johnson, Kris Tellier, and Pam Lippert! We would also like to thank Debby Goede and Beth Van Grinsven for judging our St. Jacobi forensics competition!

More details on the forensics festival will be posted soon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

In school forensics competion

Our in school forensics competition will take place on Thursday, Oct. 9. Thank you to all of the parents who have help their students to find, and fine tune their pieces!!! We will post the final participants of our Wisco competition on Friday. It is so great to see our students using their God given talents!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


A note from Mrs. Prekop about Forensics:

The following students have made it to the next level of competition in forensics:
Erik B


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

News from Mrs. Prekop - Forsensics

The seventh grade has begun preparing for the upcoming forensics festival at Wisco on Nov. 8. You can help your child find appropriate material at your public library, or on the web. The newspaper columnist, Dave Barry, has some good material. He has a number of published books that have suitable humorous pieces. All choices should be checked for appropriate content. We also have a good deal of material here at school for your child to choose from. Your child received a booklet on Tuesday with all of the categories and their descriptions. The following is a break down of your child's forensic schedule:

Friday, August 29- Category chose
Weds., Sept.3- Piece chosen for presentation (must be timed to ensure that it is long enough, or not too short)
Sept. 10,11,&12- Piece ready for presentation in class (must be memorized if category requires)
Sept. 12- Students chosen to go on to next level of competition
Sept. 15- Oct. 8 Students present to forensics coaches
Oct. – In school competition (final forensics team is chosen)
Oct. 13-Nov.7 Forensics team receives final coaching
Nov. 8 Forensics Festival at Wisco

Thank you for your assistance in this matter!Peggy Prekop

Thursday, August 21, 2008


The school year is here!! Welcome to 2008-09!!!! We are looking to have a great year and we hope that this blog will help to communicate class activities.

The only item I would like to remind all is to have your covers on your books. We can't use the nylon covers because they hurt the book's binding and no contact paper because once they are on they don't really come off. Paper only please!!! We will remind you throughout the school year to put covers back on if they fall off. We might even have to use your only recess to get those on if need be.

Never be afraid to comment or feed questions to me. If they are of more of a personal nature, use bbloomquist@stjacobi.org.